In the Day of Your Power.

 your army will be willing in the day of your power bible 1500 words

The phrase "your army will be willing in the day of your power" comes from Psalm 110:3 in the Bible, which reads:

"Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power,

in holy garments;

from the womb of the morning,

the dew of your youth will be yours."

This psalm is attributed to King David and is considered a messianic psalm that prophesies the coming of a powerful and victorious king who will defeat his enemies and establish his rule over the earth.

In verse 1 of the psalm, the LORD God speaks to the king, saying:

"The LORD says to my Lord:

'Sit at my right hand,

until I make your enemies your footstool.'"

This passage is quoted in the New Testament several times, including by Jesus himself in Matthew 22:44, as evidence of his divine authority and status as the promised Messiah.

In verse 3, the psalmist declares that the king's people will offer themselves freely on the day of his power. This suggests that the king's power will not be imposed by force or coercion, but will be willingly accepted by the people. This may also suggest that the king's power will be based on righteousness and justice, rather than tyranny or oppression.

The phrase "in holy garments" may refer to the fact that the people will prepare themselves spiritually and morally to serve the king. They will be dressed in clean and pure garments, symbolizing their readiness to serve the king in a way that is pleasing to God.

The final phrase, "the dew of your youth will be yours," is somewhat obscure. It may refer to the fact that the king's youthfulness and vitality will be renewed, or that he will have a large and youthful army at his disposal. It may also have a symbolic meaning, suggesting that the king's power will be associated with freshness, purity, and new beginnings.

In summary, Psalm 110:3 speaks of a powerful and victorious king who will be willingly accepted by his people, and whose power will be based on righteousness and justice. The psalm is considered a messianic prophecy that points forward to the coming of Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate fulfillment of the promised king in the Bible.


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